I know I haven’t posted anything lately. It hasn’t been from intentional neglect. I’ve actually sat down to write several posts, but never had time to finish or post. The jury is still out on whether this one will make it to blogger land or not. Here is the Reader’s Digest version of everything that has taken place lately:
I’m in LOVE!
Sorry, not with a guy – with a truck. Last Thursday I rented a pick up to go to Kansas to get a bed from my mom’s house. Enterprise gave me a brand new, black Chevy Colorado. I am so in love with that truck. The gas mileage wasn’t bad for a truck, but still not as good as my little economy car. I was sad to have to turn it in. Only 3 payments left on my car and the temptation to trade it in is getting tough. A truck like that would be practical for me, but not economical. My goal is to try and hold on to my car for at least another year.
Chair Rail
First of all, for anyone who thinks like a particular “un-home improvement savvy” friend of mine – a chair rail is NOT one of those things that you sit in and it takes you up and down the stairs. A chair rail is a wood border that is placed on the wall as a design divider. I was going to get help from a friend’s husband, but it was hard to find a good time to have them over. So I got online and found a good do-it-yourself site and borrowed the necessary tools from someone at work. On Monday, Amy came over to help me put it up. It was comedy because we couldn’t figure out how to get the saw to work (we needed to remove the safety pin, but wasn’t sure how). At one point, I called a friend from church and asked him how to make the saw work and my explanation to him was “we’re girls”. We managed to get the first wall up without a lot of difficulty (can’t say my cuts were the best, but wood putty and paint fixed it). Our problem came when we tried to do the inside corner. We could not get it to work the way the directions instructed and couldn’t figure out how to make the miter saw cut it the way we needed it. So we gave up. Yesterday, I decided to give it another shot. I finally figured out how to miter the ends so that they met up in the corner the way I needed them to. I managed to get the second wall up all by myself. I just have one more wall to do and I’m done! Not the most professional job, but only a professional could tell and well – not bad for my first attempt.
I’m Quitting My Job and Becoming a CSI
For the last two years, we’ve been having a problem with cash theft in our building. On Thursday, someone had their wallet stolen out of their office. Granted, it wasn’t too hard for the thief because the last person to leave our office left the door open. What this thief didn’t realize was that he was on candid camera. When my co-worker told me she couldn’t find her wallet and was afraid it had been stolen since the door was wide open when she returned to this part of the building the evening before, I pulled up the security tapes and started watching. Since we didn’t know exactly when it happened, I had to start with right after she last used her wallet – which was a good 6 hours worth of viewing. After two hours, I was quickly approaching the time of day when she left and she was starting to wonder if she went someplace else that she had forgotten about. Then all of a sudden, we both gasped and there he was. The man we’ve caught wondering around the building on several occasions. We watched as he walked into the office, looked around, walked into her office and left. I used my “skills” to view him exiting the back the north entrance vs. the south that it was assumed he would have left. I really think I need to become a crime scene video technician. I’m all about making people pay for their wrong doings (I think I need to work on grace).
I have been shopping for at the very least, a pair of black heels to go with a pair of pants that I have. Doesn’t seem like it would be a difficult task, but I can’t find anything in my size that are comfortable and not ridiculously over-priced. It’s becoming frustrating – and I have looked just about everywhere. The only place I haven’t looked (mainly because they close before I have a chance to get there) is the Shoe Gallery at North Park Mall. Shopping for black heels should not be this hard!!!
So that’s about it (at least for the stuff I’m going to talk about on a blog). This is me signing off and hoping to head home at a decent hour for once!
2 weeks ago
we need to know if you busted the guy that took the wallet. is it a church member or just a random that came in off the street?
Now why do you NEED to know? Well, if you must...we haven't busted him yet, but he's not a member. Some random guy off the street. He's been spotted on cameras at other places in the area too. Just a matter of time.
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